This is my first post on the blog and I appreciate the opportunity to do so. I saw my first Radiohead show last night and it more than met expectations. One of the best live shows I've ever seen. "Jigsaw Falling Into Place" was the highlight for me. Their performance last night cemented in my eyes why they are considered one of the best bands in the world. They had not played in Indy since 1995 and I have a feeling after the crowd response last night, we won't have to wait another 14 years before they come back. I was 4 rows back and below are some pictures I took. Some of them are cut off, but you can click them for a full view.
I also want to take the time to mention how fantastic Grizzly Bear was as an opener. Every member of that band is extremely talented, especially vocally. Some of the harmonies they produced were incredible. "Knife" was an obvious highlight from them, but they also played some new songs which leads me to believe their next record may be the one to put them over the top. Don't miss this tour when they come near you.
01. 15 Step
02. Bodysnatchers
03. There There
04. All I Need
05. Pyramid Song
06. Nude
07. Weird Fishes / Arpeggi
08. The Gloaming
09. Climbing Up the Walls
10. Faust Arp
11. Videotape
12. Morning Bell
13. Idioteque
14. Reckoner
15. Everything in Its Right Place
16. Just
17. How to Disappear Completely
Encore 1
18. You and Whose Army?
19. Bangers 'n' Mash
20. Exit Music (For a Film)
21. Jigsaw Falling Into Place
22. Karma Police
Encore 2
23. House of Cards
24. The National Anthem
25. Street Spirit
Photos: (Click to enlarge)

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