Swear I'm not Paul: Setlist: Bell x1, Oxegen, 11 July 2008

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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Setlist: Bell x1, Oxegen, 11 July 2008

Covers galore as Irish band Bell x1 (Kildare locals in fact) headlined the Green Room on Friday night. Don Henley and The Flaming Lips were reborn during David Geraghty's and Paul Noonan's stellar set.

'Bad Skin Day'
'The Boys Of Summer'
'My First Born For A Song'
'Snakes And Snakes'
'How Your Heart Is Wired'
'Eve, The Apple Of My Eye'
'The Great Defector'
'White Water Song'
'Rocky Took A Lover'
'Alphabet Soup'
'I'll See Your Heart, And I'll Raise You Mine'
'Do You Realize?'


Anonymous said...

Do You Realise at the end is that a cover of Delorentos? or did they write a song called that also? Remember on the tour de flock dvd you can see paul sing the delo's version backstage...

Ronan said...

Cover of the Flaming Lips. Maybe the Delorentos version is a cover of the Lips too.